Tutorials, HowTos, problem solving capabilities n´ rough guides for customizing
Date: Saturday, September 10 @ 18:51:02 CEST Topic: Add Ons
Tutorials, HowTos and rough guides for customizing your PHPNuke - get what you need
The Theme Creator Spidean.mckenzies.net recently came up with AutoTheme 1.75 [comercial] and AT LITE 085 - travel over to the dev site and see the gallery with many many examples.
documentation: For all Nukers who want to get a rough guide and problem solving capabilities - espeically to the free theme - just travel over to the forums at Spidean.mckenzies.net :: if you look for a tutorial - just travel over to AutoTheme lite8 user guide then take this one
Features Overview
Installation ... n much more
btw - if you need more problem solving capabilities then head over to karakas-online.de -see the forums and the phpnuke-how-to with more than 12 00 pages. This HowTo gets enhanced very soon - stay tuned.