nukeWYSIWYG (tm) released
Date: Friday, February 17 @ 00:04:25 CET
Topic: Add Ons, home of the nukeSEO PHPNuke search engine optimization toolset and other professional tools for PHP-Nuke, released nukeWYSIWYG (tm) 1.0 today. nukeWYSIWYG (tm) provides a flexible, integrated "what-you-see-is-what-you-get" HTML editor for PHP-Nuke without sacrificing security. nukeWYSIWYG uses FCKeditor 2.2 and the kses HTML filtering class to check HTML. Already integrated into RavenNuke, nukeWYSIWYG is now available for those who want a powerful visual HTML editor for PHP-Nuke.

Features include:
  • WYSIWYG HTML editing with support for common browsers, including IE, Firefox, and Netscape
  • on / off switch which can be used at the site or module level
  • support for standard "display-as-you-go" or template-based ("build, then display") approaches
  • automatic disable when accessed by crawlers to save bandwidth
  • multiple toolbar configurations to address functionality, performance, and security
  • dynamic configuration of the editor size via the rows parameter
  • dynamic detection of subdomain and subfolder implementations (modification of FCKeditor)

This article comes from NukeCops

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